influxdbr - R Interface to InfluxDB
An R interface to the InfluxDB time series database <>. This package allows you to fetch and write time series data from/to an InfluxDB server. Additionally, handy wrappers for the Influx Query Language (IQL) to manage and explore a remote database are provided.
Last updated 5 years ago
5.90 score 94 stars 28 scripts 343 downloadsswmmr - R Interface for US EPA's SWMM
Functions to connect the widely used Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) <> to R with currently two main goals: (1) Run a SWMM simulation from R and (2) provide fast access to simulation results, i.e. SWMM's binary '.out'-files. High performance is achieved with help of Rcpp. Additionally, reading SWMM's '.inp' and '.rpt' files is supported to glance model structures and to get direct access to simulation summaries.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.92 score 2 dependents 31 scripts 150 downloads